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everything's alright,

@ Breakdown-nnn.bs.com

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Dearest Honourable Kirti,

Thank you for everything. This is the 7 261 910 time I am doing a dedication but it just seems like I've so much to say.

Well firstly, I AM REALLYREALLY GLAD THAT WE ARE IN THE SAME CLASS NEXT YEAR WITH VAN :D This made me look forward to next year and the following year omg. But of course studies is as important yeah? We've gotta work hard and probably top the class hehehe. What am I thinking? That's technically impossible for me but I'll try. Because trying hard is important in life.

I believe you are going through pretty much in your life right now. Trust me, so am I. I know it's not easy keeping up with all the constant shits being thrown in our faces, losing friends, family problems and all. But life still goes on. I can't tell you how much I'm willing to stick by you through thick and thin because I know that's what you'll do for me. Time heals everything. Though they'll remain in our hearts and we definitely can remember it, we can treat it as a lesson learnt. All the things be it good or bad taught us how to be tougher as people, how to face reality and what the outside world is like. Without all these crap, we would definitely be super naive and simple minded. We gotta look at things differently and more in depth. Truth hurts but truth is the best policy.

I may not be of much help to solve all your problems between your friends or family, but I can guarantee you that I'll give you support and advices that you need. Even if you need to say anything to someone just come to me :) I won't get irritated or scold you in any sort. Van and I will always be there for you no matter what happens. If its girl issues, tell Van at least. Don't bottle everything up to yourself because we all have our limits. One day we'll just explode and everything will NOT be the same ever again. Don't be ashamed about anything because we are probably the only ones (And Veniece) that will never ever gossip or mock at you. Your problems is our problems. We can't promise that everything would work out just because of us, but we can promise that you'll have pillars to lean on :) Support is important and you've already got that part covered.

Thank you for always being there for me and giving me advices and constantly making fun of me in a joking manner :) That's what best friends do right? Hahaha you ass. We quarrel but that's what brings relationships closer and more bonded. You, me and Van will have the best 2 years of our lives. We'll have problems but as long as we are ONE, we can go through any obstacles. We will share everything together. We will cry together. We will laugh together. We will have amazing memories together. We will go through thick and thin together. We will go pasta mania together. We will be there for each other forever.

Stay happy because that's the best feeling in the world :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

That's what makes you beautiful,

Hello. Blogging from Lacher's house now (: Came with Vivian and AmandaN. Okay I just came to upload photos. Kthxbai.

Friday, October 28, 2011

#nowplaying - Stereo Hearts, Gym Class Heroes feat. Adam Levine.
Mood: Neutral/Sad.

2011's school term is over and I'm as sad as a deprived child. Cried like a baby yesterday. (I'm very emotional but stop judging me okay thanks.) So... What's gonna happen to me now, huh? Though I don't know most of my classmates yet but I just don't have this feeling that it'll be the same... I don't know. I want our friendship to be infinitely close but as you've said, "No matter how close we can be, it wouldn't be the same." I don't know. Maybe some miracle happen that I go to another class or something.

This post is going to be sentimental and melodramatic. You can click 'x' now. Sorry, just this sudden urge to blog about splitting classes.

I comfort myself by saying that most of the classes will be split, which is true. But I mean come on, obviously being in the same class is better right? I don't know if I should appeal or not but most likely I wouldn't. Ah, shit lah. Streaming shouldn't even exist anyway. I'd rather take 9 subjects than split classes with my friends.

Okay, stop. I need to stop and just remain happy for now :) I can't say "Treasure the times we have left together" because sadly, school term has ended! So like yeah... Yeah.

Meet-The-Parents session today. I put my hands down easily, I said "Good morning Ma'am/Sir" or "Thank you Ma'am/Sir" at least 500 times. HANDS DOWN. I bowed till my back was about to break.. Sad life but it'll be worth it! Received results back and it's okay I guess. Nothing to show off or be ashamed about (I guess). I mean to me it may be good, but to others it wouldn't be right? So anyways...

English - 71.
Chinese - 69.
Math - 64.
Science - 58.
Geography - 63.
History - 63.
Literature - 55.
Art - 60.
DnT - 70.
Home Econs - 71.
Total: 644/1000.
Percentage: 64.4
Position (Class): 19/40.
Position (Level): 94/270-280.

I'm proud of myself lah, to be honest. Though it's not marvelous results but I've made significant improvements as compared to Secondary 1. My average improved my 6. 6x10=60 (Total). Hopefully I continue improving then by the time I reach Secondary 4, it'll be 70! Hah, in my dreams.

I'll stop here. Still feeling kinda down and this flu and cough is making everything worse. WORSE IS THAT I CANNOT GO TO CHURCH TOMORROW. Okay bye.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

When your friends are gone, you'll realise who are the ones you miss the most.

#nowplaying - Mr. Simple, Super Jr. #currentmood: Afraid, tired, misery.

Hello. As you can see, I'm not really in the best of mood. Exams are over, so what am I exactly afraid of again? Results. Some people may think it's really unimportant etc. But to me it isn't. If you're lucky/unlucky (Depends on individual), you'll have parents that perhaps, don't really care as much as my mother do. I'm trying to get myself distracted by blogging and I hope this will help me not think about it too much. So... I'm gonna talk about happy things!

I've been going out pretty often. 3 times in less than a week, BUT COME ON, I TOTALLY DESERVE IT. "No matter what results it may be, I believe all of us deserve a pat on our backs." This of course, applies to only those who've worked hard. For those who haven't, I hope you were still able to retain everything in your mind, and apply it to exams (: Miracles happen.

7th October 2011:
Vanessa's house! Because it was (self-proclaimed) end of exams! DnT and oral was on Monday but honestly... IT WAS THE END OF EXAMS FOR ME. I'm waiting for Vanessa to upload the photos and she's taking a gazillion years to do that because apparently, she's in every background and she needs to crop it out before she loses her image on Facebook. SO YEAH, GIRLS IKR. So... I OWE YOU ONE!

9th October 2011:
Mindez's surprise birthday party! Her birthday was on the 8th, but she was busy the whole day and there was no way we could give her a surprise. So we did it the next day, at church!

I personally quite like this picture for some weird reason.

Preparation of cake!


She just wants to take a photo with a good-looking guy.

"When you say jump, I say how high!"

2 chio bu-s.

"As we go on, we remember all the times we have together."

I love you Mindez!

Headed to Mindez's house after church.. They were watching Glee and iCarly while I was the nerd, preparing for my Oral speech the next day, which turned out quite well! I MUST SCORE FOR ENGLISH. MUST. Had loads of fun and then went home at night for food!

11th October 2011:
Post-Exam Badminton! As ridiculous as it sounds, yes, we did play badminton. Most of us to be accurate. Met Jiahui at Aljunied at 10:45am. Raining like mad at that point of time and I was freezing... On my way there she told me that she'd probably follow Hoiluen, Rachel, SiTing and I to Universal Studios this Sunday! Speaking of which, I'm super excited :D Please please please don't rain on that day, I begggg you.

Met Hoiluen and Serene at YaKun at Bugis when I just finished eating my bread toast. YaKun rocks your ass. Intend to shop but nobody but Serene bought clothes. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT. She bought 3 T-shirts. For guess how much?

That's mad cheap and no way I can find guy clothes as cheap as that price. I really, REALLY need to go shopping with her one day. Like no distractions but shopping and ONLY shopping. Decided to take Neoprints before going to Bugis Street and visit KandyKayne ^.^ Sadly Kaykay was in Tokyo so yeah.... I should stop talking because pictures speak a thousand words!

Making use of the Neoprints awesome lighting and backdrop. Don't judge us.

I'm getting raped but I'm happy about it.

Ahmengs sisters? :) MONKEY MONKEY.

You make me feel the na na na na na the vomit coming out.

Smell my shoe!

Conclusion: I'm damn fat.

Public nuisance.
Don't kill us... Okay?

Went to badminton at Marine Parade CC after shopping and all. Was supposed to meet Sean but apparently he twisted his ankle. I don't believe him, sorry :P But yeah anyways, we were like an hour late? But nooooo, none of us were rushing :b Reached there and saw someone unexpected!

Chong Zhe!


Yeah. Mr Sng was there too! He's a cool teacher, like yo.

(There was meant to be a photo of our neoprints but I accidentally deleted it, too lazy to replace it.)

IanP :)

Nicholas wanted to photobomb us but in fact, he made the picture a whole lot nicer (:

Marcus ^^


Jiahui acting shy :p


That owner
Cameron Chen Jin,
♥You're perfect in my eyes.
GeylangMethodistSecondary; Faith1-2'10; 230897, 13; Single/Attached
I'm not perfect, so are you. So don't judge me.

Because there'll always be a beautiful rainbow after every storm. Time heals everything.

Facebook | Msn
Feel free to add me in Msn or Facebook :D

I wish.
-Canon Camera DSLR.
-iPhone 4.
-Zinc bag.
-Pencil case/Wallet from Wallet shop.

The ones loved, by me.
Not according to rank, except for 1st & 2nd.
Drama ♥
Kirti Bhagwan
Alicia Lim
Apple Lee
Amanda Hong
Cheong Hoi Luen
Cheong Jia Wei
Cheryl Tan
Connie Jiam
Ee Shyan Kang
Elaine Chai
Georgina Lai
Guan Jia Mei
Ho Zhi Jie; Shorty
James Koh
Jasmyn Ow
Li Wan Qi
Lim Jia Hui
Lim Yun Ling
Low Jia Hui
Mindez Chua
Nelson Chia
Nicole Quah
Ong Si Ting
Ronnie Lai
Sean Sim
Serene Leong
Shermaine Tan
Vanessa Tan
Veniece Chua
Vivian Toh
Yap Wei Song


That music

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