Friday, October 28, 2011
#nowplaying - Stereo Hearts, Gym Class Heroes feat. Adam Levine.
Mood: Neutral/Sad.
2011's school term is over and I'm as sad as a deprived child. Cried like a baby yesterday. (I'm very emotional but stop judging me okay thanks.) So... What's gonna happen to me now, huh? Though I don't know most of my classmates yet but I just don't have this feeling that it'll be the same... I don't know. I want our friendship to be infinitely close but as you've said, "No matter how close we can be, it wouldn't be the same." I don't know. Maybe some miracle happen that I go to another class or something.
This post is going to be sentimental and melodramatic. You can click 'x' now. Sorry, just this sudden urge to blog about splitting classes.
I comfort myself by saying that most of the classes will be split, which is true. But I mean come on, obviously being in the same class is better right? I don't know if I should appeal or not but most likely I wouldn't. Ah, shit lah. Streaming shouldn't even exist anyway. I'd rather take 9 subjects than split classes with my friends.
Okay, stop. I need to stop and just remain happy for now :) I can't say "Treasure the times we have left together" because sadly, school term has ended! So like yeah... Yeah.
Meet-The-Parents session today. I put my hands down easily, I said "Good morning Ma'am/Sir" or "Thank you Ma'am/Sir" at least 500 times. HANDS DOWN. I bowed till my back was about to break.. Sad life but it'll be worth it! Received results back and it's okay I guess. Nothing to show off or be ashamed about (I guess). I mean to me it may be good, but to others it wouldn't be right? So anyways...
English - 71.
Chinese - 69.
Math - 64.
Science - 58.
Geography - 63.
History - 63.
Literature - 55.
Art - 60.
DnT - 70.
Home Econs - 71.
Total: 644/1000.
Percentage: 64.4
Position (Class): 19/40.
Position (Level): 94/270-280.
I'm proud of myself lah, to be honest. Though it's not marvelous results but I've made significant improvements as compared to Secondary 1. My average improved my 6. 6x10=60 (Total). Hopefully I continue improving then by the time I reach Secondary 4, it'll be 70! Hah, in my dreams.
I'll stop here. Still feeling kinda down and this flu and cough is making everything worse. WORSE IS THAT I CANNOT GO TO CHURCH TOMORROW. Okay bye.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
When your friends are gone, you'll realise who are the ones you miss the most.
#nowplaying - Mr. Simple, Super Jr. #currentmood: Afraid, tired, misery.
Hello. As you can see, I'm not really in the best of mood. Exams are over, so what am I exactly afraid of again? Results. Some people may think it's really unimportant etc. But to me it isn't. If you're lucky/unlucky (Depends on individual), you'll have parents that perhaps, don't really care as much as my mother do. I'm trying to get myself distracted by blogging and I hope this will help me not think about it too much. So... I'm gonna talk about happy things!
I've been going out pretty often. 3 times in less than a week, BUT COME ON, I TOTALLY DESERVE IT. "No matter what results it may be, I believe all of us deserve a pat on our backs." This of course, applies to only those who've worked hard. For those who haven't, I hope you were still able to retain everything in your mind, and apply it to exams (: Miracles happen.
7th October 2011:
Vanessa's house! Because it was (self-proclaimed) end of exams! DnT and oral was on Monday but honestly... IT WAS THE END OF EXAMS FOR ME. I'm waiting for Vanessa to upload the photos and she's taking a gazillion years to do that because apparently, she's in every background and she needs to crop it out before she loses her image on Facebook. SO YEAH, GIRLS IKR. So... I OWE YOU ONE!
9th October 2011:
Mindez's surprise birthday party! Her birthday was on the 8th, but she was busy the whole day and there was no way we could give her a surprise. So we did it the next day, at church!

I personally quite like this picture for some weird reason.

Preparation of cake!


She just wants to take a photo with a good-looking guy.

"When you say jump, I say how high!"

2 chio bu-s.

"As we go on, we remember all the times we have together."

I love you Mindez!

Headed to Mindez's house after church.. They were watching Glee and iCarly while I was the nerd, preparing for my Oral speech the next day, which turned out quite well! I MUST SCORE FOR ENGLISH. MUST. Had loads of fun and then went home at night for food!
11th October 2011:
Post-Exam Badminton! As ridiculous as it sounds, yes, we did play badminton. Most of us to be accurate. Met Jiahui at Aljunied at 10:45am. Raining like mad at that point of time and I was freezing... On my way there she told me that she'd probably follow Hoiluen, Rachel, SiTing and I to Universal Studios this Sunday! Speaking of which, I'm super excited :D Please please please don't rain on that day, I begggg you.
Met Hoiluen and Serene at YaKun at Bugis when I just finished eating my bread toast. YaKun rocks your ass. Intend to shop but nobody but Serene bought clothes. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT. She bought 3 T-shirts. For guess how much?
That's mad cheap and no way I can find guy clothes as cheap as that price. I really, REALLY need to go shopping with her one day. Like no distractions but shopping and ONLY shopping. Decided to take Neoprints before going to Bugis Street and visit KandyKayne ^.^ Sadly Kaykay was in Tokyo so yeah.... I should stop talking because pictures speak a thousand words!
Smell my shoe!

Conclusion: I'm damn fat.

Public nuisance.

Don't kill us... Okay?
Went to badminton at Marine Parade CC after shopping and all. Was supposed to meet Sean but apparently he twisted his ankle. I don't believe him, sorry :P But yeah anyways, we were like an hour late? But nooooo, none of us were rushing :b Reached there and saw someone unexpected!

Chong Zhe!


Yeah. Mr Sng was there too! He's a cool teacher, like yo.
(There was meant to be a photo of our neoprints but I accidentally deleted it, too lazy to replace it.)

IanP :)

Nicholas wanted to photobomb us but in fact, he made the picture a whole lot nicer (:


Marcus ^^


Jiahui acting shy :p