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everything's alright,

@ Breakdown-nnn.bs.com

Monday, September 26, 2011

My dog's the cutest thing on Earth.

Just wanted to show you pictures of my super cute dog :D Chinese exam is tomorrow and I really hope I do well! Okay, short short post! Bye :D

Sunday, September 25, 2011

What's going to happen to me, when you leave my side?

Hi. This post is gonna be real melodramatic. Is it called nostalgic or something? Okay, doubt it. Anyway... The top sentence is basically when I am gonna blog about today. I am really scared, I really am.

My mum.
I know... There's still a long way before the day comes, you and I both know what I mean. But hey, who can predict the future? Like what they always say... "You may be here today, but you wouldn't know about tomorrow." I believe and trust in it 100%. I'm only 14 but everyday I think to myself, "What's going to happen to me when mummy is gone?" I am so dependent on her. Sometimes I get really mad with her but I really love her. She's the only one there for me throughout everything. I want to die before she does, I really do.

My grandmother..
She's someone else always there for me too. She's only 60, so I guess another 10 years, at least? I hope. But besides the point, yeah. She dotes me more than her children (my mum, and her two brothers.) hands down. I'm really certain about that. And no, I'm not showing off that I'm almighty and what not and people show me more love, but it's just that sometimes I really, really, don't know what's going to happen to me when my grandmother's gone too. What's going to happen when I'm sick? What's going to happen if suddenly an emergency crops up and my mother's not around? Who am I supposed to talk to if my mother isn't around? I'll just die, literally.

My helper..
How on Earth can someone develop such close feelings with their helper? I can. She has been with me for 11 years and counting. She's 46 this coming November and soon enough, she wouldn't be able to withstand so much chores in the house. Sure, she's stronger than me and what not, FOR NOW. 5 years time, 10 years time, who knows? I'm glad she doesn't want to retire too soon. And I hope when she does, she'll still be my beloved helper. In my English exam, composition, I wrote about her. I wrote about how I deliberately left her at McD's just to run home alone because I detested her. I swear, I SWEAR, I almost teared when writing it. (If you think I'm being overly-dramatic, shut the hell up and know my story first, bitch.) I really love my composition. Even if it doesn't come out as what I wished for... It's fine. I'm happy with it, that's enough.

My dog..
I had him since he was around a month old. He was a really sad dog. His mum didn't have enough milk for him.. Yet I still didn't want to keep him when my mum's friend brought him to my house. But nonetheless, he was so cute. His body was as big as two of my palms, seriously. He stayed at my house for the first night and I told my mum I wanted it. I play with him, walk him around, and even sleep with him sometimes. How not to develop feelings as owner and pet? Dogs have only 15 years to live, maximum. He's turning 4 soon. 11 years to go but then again, who's to know what's gonna happen in the near future? I know I don't. I really love him. I don't want to part with my dog ever, ever.

My dad..
HAH SCREW YOU BITCH YOU'VE BROUGHT NOTHING BUT MISERY TO MY LIFE. You still owe me 10 grand. ITS MY MONEY, NOT THE FREAKING MONEY YOU GAVE ME. I don't even think you've the position to scold me for any reasons. You didn't love me, you didn't love mum, all you love was yourself and those slut whores out there. Carry on. I don't give two shits about it. But nonetheless, I still love you. I wish you'd change, but that's a wish that would never come true.

Sorry for the sudden anger management issue. But whatever I said is coming from the bottom of my heart. As I write this post I seriously feel like crying. Why's death compulsory? Why bother living if all that's going to happen in the end is death? Wouldn't that bring more misery? Life's so complicated till I don't want to live anymore. Help me.

Friday, September 23, 2011

No mistakes, no lamenting.

HELLO :) Recently, Xiaxue posted an entry on what Camera Applications she uses on the iPhone. I believe it has helped tons of people, which includes yours truly :p Yeh, I camwhore. Nothing wrong, right? I personally like PopBooth, and 美图秀秀 third. Second? PixlRomatic. It has a real wide variety of different kinds of edition for your photos :) An example would be the second photo in this post, which would be at the bottom of the post. Sorry, I can't really control this as I'm blogging through my phone. The one with Serene, Hoiluen and I is edited through PixlRomatic.

Second photo, 美图秀秀. I like how it can focus on certain things, and blur the background. That's really DSLR like, which is good :) Did I mention before that I desperately want a DSLR? *hints*. Anyway, yeah. A little complicated for me (my Chinese isn't that fantastic after all. FML.) Yeah, but I guess it's just a matter of time to get used to it? :)

The rest of the photos, the ones that doesn't show the photo entirely, are taken with PopBooth. Not a real wide variety to choose from, but their minimal variety is good enough to satisfy me. Despite these, I really DETEST how I can't save my photos under photo library. (All the ones that I took with PopBooth are screenshots.) If there was a 'save' feature, I believe it'd be way better, surpassing it's current standard.
English exam was conducted today. Not too bad I guess :) After doing the paper, my hopes were waned but I don't believe that I'd do THAT badly. Just wait till I get my results back. :) To haolian/just let you know. LOL.

1st photo: PopBooth.
2nd: PixlRomatic.
3rd-7th: PopBooth.
8th: 美图秀秀.
9th: PopBooth.

Enough talk for this post! Enjoy the pictures ^^.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I really love Faith2-2 no matter how childish we get.

Hello. Today's blog post, I'll just let the photos do the talking. But honestly, I really love F2-2. At the end of this year, I'll look at every photo we took, remember every memory we share, and cry :') Yep, pictures here! Many of us looks retarded, but who cares? Memories remain, that's enough :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Hello, I'm back again, lol. That title has completely no link to what I've posted. I don't know what to post either. I'm back cause I'm just that bored. Life sucks without things to do. :/ Then again I don't have to mood to study. Double unhappiness.

HAD MATH TUITION TODAY, TEST MY MATH. AND APPARENTLY MY MATH SUCKS. >: Wah, FML. Double Science and AMath, I really don't see how it's possible anymore. Sorry, let me rephrase. It wasn't possible since the beginning. What shit, seriously! (HAHAH, 'seriously' is the most overused word..) But! GOD WILL MAK A WAY, WHEN THERE SEEMS TO BE NO WAY.

I like this paragraph:
If you ask me for a flower, I'll give you a bouquet.
If you ask me for a minute, I'll give you a day.
If you ask me for true love, I'll give it to you.
If you ask me for an angel, I'll give you me.
♥ I love you.
Yeh, so sweet right. I saw another tweet in Twitter saying "A guy mouth 'I love you' across the room." Heart melt. NO, I do not want a GUY to say that to me thanks.

I realised Sean has tremendously a lot of embarrassing moments. Not like unglam moments or what. Like what he says are damn embarrassing.

Me: You seriously eat a lot sia.
Sean: What! Eating is a way of distressing okay! Or masturbating...
Yes I know right. Damn sick.

Me: What class you wanna go?
Sean: 3-1 or 3-2 lor.
Me: WOW. You really dream big!

Sean: K lah I wanna go sleep already byes~!
Me: K bye hairy.

Leaving you with some photos! Bye! :D

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hey. It's been a really long time, right? Not like anyone reads anyways. So.. yeh. I really don't intend to get back to blogging, I'm just bored and have nothing to do, lol.

I really don't know how to describe my life. No, this is not one of my emo seasons once again. (HAHAH Then I'm like using blogger for my rant page cause I realized I was FOREVER emo when I blogged in the past. #whatswrongwithme.) Yeh, I feel really happy now, stress too obviously. Seriously what! Exams are in like 8 days and I don't seem as panicky as I should be, lol. But I'm studying la, I really am. My hard work better pay off or else it's like having a hot sun after a rain but no rainbow. Okay, weird way to link the two stories up but you get what I mean.

Blogging through phone right now. My goodness, Blogger app should've came out donkey years ago like really. This is so much easier lol. Makes me MIGHT blog more, perhaps. HAHA, blog more, once in two months. Ainkkk, just kidding :) Nah I really don't know. It's not a habit to blog often lol.

My mum bought this shirt for me when she was in America. Bought it from Forever 21 and I seriously super love it! Hahaha. And I cut my hair also. Lol. It turned out really good at the beginning. But sadly, but expected, after EVERY SINGLE haircut, it turns out disgusting after I bathe. Yeah so. When can I have my proper and good haircut? #reallydepressed. This shit cannot continue. The only good haircut I had was during June holidays. Yeah sure thanks. Give me good haircut when nobody is there to see. It's not so good but at least, BETTER. COMPARE WITH NOW, REALLY BIG CONTRAST. And it has been cut by the same person  Which makes it x100 more saddening.

K. I am going to sleep. Blogging at 1.30am in the morning is just not really right lol. K nights.

That owner
Cameron Chen Jin,
♥You're perfect in my eyes.
GeylangMethodistSecondary; Faith1-2'10; 230897, 13; Single/Attached
I'm not perfect, so are you. So don't judge me.

Because there'll always be a beautiful rainbow after every storm. Time heals everything.

Facebook | Msn
Feel free to add me in Msn or Facebook :D

I wish.
-Canon Camera DSLR.
-iPhone 4.
-Zinc bag.
-Pencil case/Wallet from Wallet shop.

The ones loved, by me.
Not according to rank, except for 1st & 2nd.
Drama ♥
Kirti Bhagwan
Alicia Lim
Apple Lee
Amanda Hong
Cheong Hoi Luen
Cheong Jia Wei
Cheryl Tan
Connie Jiam
Ee Shyan Kang
Elaine Chai
Georgina Lai
Guan Jia Mei
Ho Zhi Jie; Shorty
James Koh
Jasmyn Ow
Li Wan Qi
Lim Jia Hui
Lim Yun Ling
Low Jia Hui
Mindez Chua
Nelson Chia
Nicole Quah
Ong Si Ting
Ronnie Lai
Sean Sim
Serene Leong
Shermaine Tan
Vanessa Tan
Veniece Chua
Vivian Toh
Yap Wei Song


That music

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