Saturday, January 29, 2011
Let's blog shit (:
K. Apparently, Blogger's being an asshole and it's not allowing me to upload pictures. Fine, it is, but after a minute it only uploaded 9% so thanks (: So, I'm sorry, no pictures for this post. So how's life? I don't know, I don't really feel like blogging about my daily life unless it's really interesting. Life's been okay for me, tiring, fun, and I'm starting to hate Maths and Science a lot, A LOT. I can't get a shit the teacher's teaching. Yeah so, I'm pretty worried.
You know, I seriously hate people that are like, trying to find trouble for no reason? It just pisses me off and, I think it's just childish. I'm not referring to any case but that's how I personally feel. I mean if you're really that free go do something more meaningful la, and not like go pissing people off like some retards -_- K this is getting on my nerves, so maybe I should stop talking about this topic already.
Honestly, I'm really excited for Drama SYF, and worried at the same time. Like, what if I screw up or what? What if I'm the reason for not getting Gold w Honours, or whatever medal? I don't know. I'm thinking a lot la. I just hope everything goes smoothly, and the way I want it.
I'm lacking of things to write. And I'm not really bothered. So I suppose this is gna be the last post from me till the CNY ends (: I don't know, perhaps I'd blog if I really have the mood to, but most probably not. Yeah, k. So byebye for now :D
Monday, January 24, 2011
"I'm sorry that I had to vent it on you."
I mean... I really don't believe it la. You're still my good friend, and you'll always be. I really don't have any reason to be angry at you, I'm not. But, what I read with my own eyes, I'm shocked. I still don't believe that you're such a person. I know you're not, so please, prove me right. You are not the person I knew, you're still fun and all, you still am awesome to me. I wouldn't say you're not in fault too though. I won't say out everything.. Long story short: You're awesome and will always be. But please, I don't want to be proved wrong. At least, for the sake of me, please?
Please don't ask me what had happened. I won't tell anybody, other than perhaps my close friends. I don't know. But I'm really, disappointed. You wouldn't like the feeling of being sandwiched in between two awesome friends, that you really care for.. I know, I don't have to bother about this at all, it isn't my problem. But.. I care because you two, or three, really mean a lot to me. First month of the year has been alright, let it just continue being this way. I really don't expect too much, I just don't want to lose anybody. You should know how it feels, yeah?
You really mean a lot to me.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
I don't know leh. I suddenly felt like posting pictures, and crap a lot.

Serene + Dayna (:

Ronnie + Nicole! :D

Mindez, Serene, Georgina. Hey look, Serene you're so tall. ^^

Mindez, Serene and I, one of my favourite pictures (:
These are some of the pictures from my Facebook album, "Friends are the ones you can't live without. >ALL of my close friends to be in the album (: Intended to upload more pictures, but the damn computer is taking years to upload, so I'm sorry. Maybe when I'm really really patient, then I'll upload everything. Have been camwhoring everyday, thanks to Serene. According to her, it's addictive..?
School has been okay, I guess? Some arguments here and there, but I guess it's alright. It's definitely a tiring week, I swear. I'm staying back every single day, literally! Nothing I can do about it though.
- Monday, Christian Fellowship.
- Tuesdays & Thursdays, Self-study. I don't see any point of them in doing this since they know we don't really study during that period of time. -.-
- Wednesdays, Drama + Mad Fiesta.
- Fridays, Drama.
- Saturday, Drama + Tuition.
- Sunday, Tuition!
Someone save me. So basically, I'm waking up early everyday. I wouldn't say it's a bad thing, but I wouldn't take it as a good thing either. Drama has been good, some people just don't know their limits though. Took my phone, disabled it for I think 20 minutes +, took 100 pictures screenshot, pissing me off more and more every time I deleted one. Seriously, get a life dude. It isn't funny at all, AT ALL. It just pisses me off more and makes yourself unpopular. Whatever, enough about it, it's just making me boil and give a darn black face.
Had my first lesson of Mad Fiesta the last Wednesday, Hip Hop! And yes, it was darn good. My close friends were there, the music and steps were awesome. DJ got us falling in love. Hopefully by the upcoming Wednesday, the whole dance would be done, as we are performing on Chinese New Year for GM. It's really stressful, but I really want to do it. Dancing with my awesome friends has really been great although there were some misunderstandings here and there, but I'm sure everything would fall into place. Can't wait!
I know I've not been blogging real often. Well, not even often, in fact, very seldom! I know, but it's really rare that I get this kind of mood that I'm having now, to blog so much, say what I really want to say. But sometimes, some things are better to be unknown, and ignorance is a bliss. I really wish to say out things, how I really feel, what I really think. And no, I'm not being emo, I'm just saying. I don't want to have a private blog, because I'm pretty sure that people would think that I'm bitching about them, so no. There are many things that people think that I don't know, but in fact, I know. I'm not angry, I should reflect instead, change for the better. Yeah la, sometimes I'm really.. I don't know, a pain in an ass..? I really don't know, perhaps you could tell me. Yeah, I love my friends a lot, and I really don't want them to think the way they think of me.
So far, for 2011, it's really not a bad year. It's good, but I wouldn't say it's fantastic or whatsoever. It's like, very very normal with no big things happening around me, unlike 2010. It's been rather, an emotional year though. I've got many tears bottled up in myself. I guess it's alright..? Well, life's a bitch, filled with up and down, so yeah I suppose such things are really normal. 2011 has been rather predicted as for now. I've got new year resolutions too okay!
- NO stead. Crushes maybe, but I really don't intend to stead.
- Aiming top 15 in class, top 70 in level.
- Get closer to God, although it's hard as mum doesn't allow me to go to church, but there are definitely ways.
- Stay awesome with my awesome friends.
- Oh and to find my ear piece back. (Return it whoever stole it. It's $15 okay!)
That's about it. I love my life now, if everything was so easy.. life would be awesome for me.
Oh, and happy birthday to Kirti, Jasmyn, Gordon, Rachel's brother from TNS; Shawn, Esther, Samantha! May all your dreams come true! Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to all of you, Happy birthday to you! :D
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Only true friends doesn't stab you in the back.

Went to bowling at Kallang Leisure Park (:

Sin Yin; Elaine and I. This was a candid shot.

Actual shot.

Jiahui; Elaine + Sinyin; Elaine.

Sinyin; Elaine + Ian. T.

Sinyin; Elaine + Hoiluen. Geeks. (:

The girls except ConnieJiammmm.

Sinyin; Elaine + Marcus eating lollipop.

Elaine preventing from being shot.
Went out on Thursday last week, to celebrate Sin Yin's birthday (: Fun! Met @ Aljunied MRT @ 3, after school. It was supposed to be at 2.50, but dearest Connie Jiam was late. Tsktsktsk. She ran towards us, hahas. So we headed to Kallang Leisure Park. Dodges and co. left and I only realised it after they left. We were kinda late for the movie, it started at 3.40, but we reached there @ 3.40, LOL. But luckily,
- There were commercials.
- They are never early.
Yeah. So before going into the cinema, we went to KFC to sneak in food (: That's what I do every time anyway. The other time I held my Koi in my hands and walked in, and never got caught. Maybe the lights were to dim. Yeah, anyways, then we went to watch "The ghost must be crazy." The movie was alright, more of a comedy than horror, which was definitely a good thing (: But Jiahui screamed like a mad woman x.x And she was sitting next to me, laughs~. And there was a part which was, kind of disturbing. After that, we went to play bowling. Meh, Hoiluen owned me at first. In the end, I owned her, yay. I think I scored 131/133 if I'm not wrong. Elaine left halfway though. Have not been playing it for quite some time though, sadly. Went to buy Starbucks later on, $7 flew away. But it's okay, "once in a while" is alright :D Ian T and Marcus went to play Max Tune, not interested in it anymore. Jiahui and Hoiluen went to buy Potato Stick. I walked into the MRT, with my drink, and I forgot that no drinks are allowed in MRTs. Didn't get caught, so I rock \m/ K, I'm just kidding ^^. Hoiluen and Jiahui went back to Ian's house as their bags were there. I went home, and I was super tired. Yeah, that's how the day ended. Kinda fun, but short ): Hoping to wait for another fun outing.
"A friend that leaves memories and footsteps in your heart."
Friday, January 7, 2011
Day 3
Woke up feeling annoyed again. Went to second level to have our breakfast WITHOUT BRUSHING OUR TEETH, SERIOUSLY?! Then we had to do 560 success claps, sadly. But we only did 200 for now because the rest was to be during the Victory March. During breakfast, I told some Faith2-3 guys that I'm gna act sick. And, when I was about to tell the teacher, you know what happened? I really felt sick. I had a stomach ache, and a damn headache >< Faith2-2 won the best class award and I won myself a LIVE! Operation 'necklace'. Was really happy :D This camp rocked and sucked.
(Sorry something happened to the blog post so I split it into 2.)
What it feels like..
It's was so tiring. It was so fun. It was so memorable, too bad it had to end. Yes, and I'm talking about the Secondary 2 camp to Singapore Vision Farm, organised by Adam Khoo. Hell yeah, I've loads of things to talk about it, be it good or bad. Some things really pissed me off, some things really allowed me to enjoy myself. But overall, I really enjoyed myself. I wouldn't mind going back and doing all the activities again, to be honest.
Day 1
We gathered in school. Heck no, nobody was looking forward to the camp at all. Well, for as far as I know of. I, myself, was hoping and praying that the miserable 3 days 2 nights camp would pass super quickly. The Platoon Mentors introduced themselves, well and trust me, I've forgotten almost all of their names. Hmm, I'm sorry! They did some weird kind of falling in. Briefings, introductions, and then we set off to Yio Chu Kang. We went that far. Reached there in 30 minutes or so. The walk up made me feel like going home more. Stepped in, and saw the bunks. It was so luxurious! Air-conditioned, queen-sized mattresses, everyone gets one each. You wish! We slept in bunks under a roof which I honestly believe that you can move it away. They had no mattresses, just wooden planks. That seriously made me go begging for mercy. We fell in, and the instructors really gave me a bad impression. I thought, "Why so serious? Isn't camp for us to enjoy?" Yeah, wait for it. We walked down to the second level. Once again, briefings. Wasn't really bothered to listen to them. Was just wanting to have fun yo! Then we proceeded to a game called Water Tank. It was a long, thick pole (please don't thing wrongly.) with holes, both big and small, and there were 2 balls inside, which we had to get it out by pouring water in it. (Is it me, or does this sound really damn wrong..?) Anyway, we didn't succeed :x The holes were too big. And because I was the one whom poured the water, and due to my lousy aiming, everybody got a little wet/drenched other than me. "ALL FOR ONE, ONE FOR ALL." Yeah, that's what they taught in camp. They took the pails, filled it with water, and BOOM, I got wet. If that happened outside whatsoever, I guess I would have gotten pissed. But hey, I mean, where's the spirit? So I just laughed along with everybody else. From then, I started to believe that this camp meant more than tortures. Second game we played was called the Mind Field. There were 'wires' above us so we had to crawl. Worse thing was, we were crawling over wet mud. We got down and dirty, but trust me, it was worth it. We had so much fun! I honestly wouldn't mind doing it again, I suppose, haha. Then we headed to Slippery Slope. Best (y). However, due to time constrain, the other half of our class went to another game called Post-man walk which was more challenging and difficult. They only had two ropes and they had to cross from one point to another. And below them, wasn't the floor, was a pond. Anyway, Slippery slope is a game that we have to climb up a mat filled with water and detergent, I know, sounds difficult. It isn't though! Probably was because we had a rope to guide us. I was wet from head to toe, literally! Who cares, we had fun. Then we had lunch. Nothing much happened after that, just falling in, exercises etc.
Day 2
It didn't start well, AT ALL. And I'm serious. The morning exercise pissed me off, the instructors pissed me off. Honestly, he was just being an asshole, thank you. Enough about that. Thinking about it seriously makes me pissed off, and now my face is black -_-. Anyway, it all started with breakfast, then a game which is like Amazing Race. Somehow different, but almost the same :D I hope you get it. First stop, we had to piggy back people from one point to another. But, in order to be able to step on the ground between the two points, you have to be wearing the 'necklace'. The main people that piggy backed was Mindez and myself. It was super tiring okay. Our goal to meet was 10 minutes, and pwned. First try was 7 minutes. Second try, which was way more difficult to do, was succeeded in 8 minutes+. We were so happy that we were able to complete it in time. :D Then we had to solve a mystery, but we left it for last. Then we saw Faith2-3 doing some skipping rope thingy. So I asked Nelson where they found the clue. He told me, surprisingly, LOL. K then we had a road block, so we had to do jumping jacks. Georgina, didn't know how to do it. Then so on and so forth, we went to discuss the puzzles, did other games (which I'm lazy to say) and finally, Performance night. It was super last minute,we had only a rough idea of what to do. I thought that it'd be a failed performance. Then I thought I could stand up and prolly give some ideas and what to do with the skit. In the end, I ended up directing the whole time which was really not easy. I lost my voice because I kept on shouting. During dinner, I still had to give briefings because most of them weren't paying attention during rehearsals. Kirti and co were looking at me and yes, I started to get a little stress. THANK YOU YOU. So the skit when super well. Everybody laughed because the skit was meant to be a comedy. I was seriously super happy :D
Day 3