Tuesday, November 30, 2010
I swear I hate this shit. 
Why. -Secondhand Serenade.
The buttons on my phone are worn thin
I don't think that I knew the chaos I was getting in.
But I've broken all my promises to you
I've broken all my promises to you.
Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this so easily?
You make it hard to smile because
You make it hard to breathe
Why do you do this to me?
A phrasing that's a single tear,
Is harder than I ever feared
And you were left feeling so alone.
Because these days aren't easy
Like they have been once before
These days aren't easy anymore.
Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this so easily?
You make it hard to smile because
You make it hard to breathe
Why do you do this to me?
To me, to me, to me.
I should have known this wasn't real
And fought it off and fought to feel
What matters most? Everything
That you feel while listening to every word that I sing.
I promise you I will bring you home
I will bring you home.
Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this so easily?
You make it hard to smile because
You make it hard to breathe
Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this so easily?
You make it hard to smile because
You make it hard to breathe
Why do you do this to me?
To me, to me, to me.
On 141010, 6.11, I thought I won. I thought that I had won your heart. I thought that I could stop wondering if I might lose to the other guys. Yeah, I jumped for joy. I told my close friends the news. They were all happy for me. But, after 48 days, they wonder, I wonder. "How long can they/we last?" "Are they/we really acting like a couple?" Because you'd always ignore the questions they/I ask you, the ones that regards relationships. But why do you always reply to other questions. Say I'm sensitive, whatever, but I'm not the only one saying this. Even our friends, themselves, realize it.
I tweeted on Twitter, and said: "You don't like to be mushy, but do you text me so little? ): Are you seriously in love w me?"
Anonymous said: "well she is. but just she is not that mushy type la.
dont expect like 'i love you baby' or anything like that la."
Really? Can I only have such limited things to expect? I don't want to. I want to be the guy that you point to in school, and say, "That guy's my boyfriend." I want you to feel proud about it.
You once said that: "People know me because of him." You honestly didn't sound happy, and that sentence stabbed me in the heart. You don't seem happy that people know that you're mine. You said that because you wanted to be a Student Councillor. Now that you are one, why are you still acting the same way? I don't know. Have I really won?
Friday, November 26, 2010
It wasn't intentional.
Hey. Sorry, I've not been a good blogger these days. I feel like closing down my blog, I'm feeling too lazy. Should I? Anyway, I've been having Drama for the past 3 days. 21 hours in total okay! There's 14 more hours on Monday and Tuesday, help me. I know right, crazy. Tired everyday, that's why I've not been blogging regularly. Hmm, babygirl's at camp, sad right! Coincidentally saw her at Macs. Fate, HAHAHA. The person at the cashier was Jiahui's brother. O.o Hahaha, he seemed nice. Okay, I don't have anything to blog about as Drama is confidential. So, kthxbai.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Tell me it's not true.What's happening? What's happening to you? What's happening to me? What's happening to us? I don't know. What would be the best for us? A break up? I don't know also. My mind says "Yes", but my heart says "No". Because, I still love you. I won't say forever, because all of us know clearly that it wouldn't happen. But, for now, I really do. I really don't care if I'm being sensitive already, because I don't freaking care. I get sensitive because I love you. People say you don't love me, but I'd rather not now the truth, I'm not brave enough to face the fact. Maybe you're not seeing that I'm loving you, and that's what hurts the most. Please tell me you love me. I really feel like, I don't know. All I know is that I'm pulling a long face, and that really sucks. I keep thinking, although you're mine, your heart's not with me. Do you really love me? If it's a No, then it's alright, you don't have to say anything. But if it's a Yes, please tell me, I'll be more than happy to know. This feeling sucks, I don't want it to happen again. I'm sorry for loving you..
Saturday, November 20, 2010
171110, Serene's birthday. Fun. Kinda enjoyed it, more than I expected. Okay, I ain't going to blog about that, hehehe.
Hmm, babygirl's in camp now. Student Councillor camp. She good laa, at camp. Sure fun one lor. And I'm stuck here. Hm, seems like someone becoming a SC also likes here ayee. Wonder who? Wahaha, LOL. Short post today I guess. I want to play my guitar hero already. Byebye.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Day 6- A stranger. I ain't doing it, it's lame.
Day 7- Your ex girlfriend. My ex girlfriend. This is somehow, inappropriate to say? Okay, the longest lasted for 10 months. She's Jasmyn. If you read this, no offences! Laughs. When I was with her, she was petty, she was over-sensitive, she hated it when I talk to other girls, she got people to take note of me in secondary school. She often asks for break ups, she often started a fight, she often cried when there was no need to. When we started to stead on I think, May 28, I was super happy, because I liked her for a year and a half. Yeah, it lasted till February 2010. She got someone, someone from my class, not mentioning who, to check on me. At the very end of the day, this someone would tell her everything I did in school. I mean, there's no rule that says you can't talk to the opposite sex right? Yeah, so whatever, I listened, I tried to stop what she thinks is 'wrong'. But she kept thinking whatever I did, was wrong. I mean, so what if I talk to girls, right? As long as knew I loved her, it's alright, right? Yeah, I couldn't take it. I asked for a break up, because, I was super pissed, and I also lost feelings. So it ended, like this. There were points of time where I regretted, but not now (: I love my life now. I love her, I love you.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I still love you with all my heart.Hmm, are we drifting apart? I thought Monday was an awesome day for us, except maybe for the fact that you left without saying bye. But that wasn't much of a big deal. But then, we somehow quarreled today. How? It's the first time we quarreled in a month. But you didn't say much, in fact, you didn't say anything. All you said was that ' You were tired of all these. ' Honestly, it's seriously because of that guy. The one I said that I didn't want to tell you about. Even _____ agrees with me. He's gone too far, I'm seriously unhappy. Say that I'm over-sensitive, I don't care. Anyway, I'm over-sensitive because I love you. I'm really getting jealous. That person still agrees with me, and in fact has given me some advices, which I didn't heed, because I seriously didn't have the guts to. But I hope, nothing bad would happen to this relationship. I love you. Oh, before I end, I'd like to wish Serene happy birthday.Dear Serene,Happy 13th birthday. You're now a big girl already okay. Don't keep whining like a little girl anymore, although you're still little and tiny :D It has been awesome to have known you for the past 3 years and counting. We were best friends since Primary 6. I still could remember how much we hated each other in Primary 5. Hahaha, good times (: Luckily, we're still in the same class next year. Study hard alright. Many of us loves you :D Including the one always by your side, Jonathan. I hope you have a blessed birthday. We will give you a memorable one tomorrow! We promise. I'm sorry, I'll owe you your birthday present. I'm sorry for being late to give you your present. I hope you accept my apology. Love, Your brother,
Cameron. <3
Monday, November 15, 2010
Day 5; Your dreams.My dreams? What kind of dreams? The kind that I wish it would come true, or the one I had last night? I go for the ones that I wish it would come true. Because I obviously do not remember the one I had last night. My dreams. I honestly just want to live a comfortable life with no worries and all. I won't dream things that wouldn't come true, because that's pure retarded. Like, I wish I could fly? Maybe that's for 5 year olds. I don't know. I love my life the way it is. Don't say FML, I've learned. FML, some people wants to live so badly they don't even get a chance to. Live life to the fullest. Yeah, okay, that's basically it. So, thanks and bye (:Mindez: mmmm are you sleeping.
Owner: Yes I was.
Ian.T: TAGGS ^^
Owner: Kthxbai.
samCYH: hey you missed out the most impt part.... you love me lahs!
Owner: Erm, you're kidding, right? :D
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Day 4; Your siblingsLet's see. I have no siblings. But I've got two god-sisters. Awesome ones, but of course I'm more awesome. Yeah. One's 16 and the other 15. About the same age aye :D That's why we get along well. Awesome or awesome. Well, we're not very close as compared to my friends and I. Anyway, yeah. I don't know much to say about my siblings. Basically, we're all awesome but I'm the most awesome. Kthxbai. P/s: Samantha, god-sister, is not that I purposely write so short, it's really I don't know what to say! Hahaha.
Tag replies,apple: taggies:D
Owner: Thanks !
Cherry<3: Tags n ur post abt ur parents r just damn damn sweet<3
Owner: Hehehe, thanks :D
Ian.T: awwwwwww............. tags too^^
Owner: Thanks.
James: HI CAM . yeah . first time being to your blog ? cause i was bored and waiting for invincible youth ! yeah . ermm . ay . stop calling my cockeye *.* kk bb
Owner: Hey Cockeye :D LOL. Hahaha. Whatever you were waiting for, it sucks :D :D
Elaine: Tagged and link!!!!!
Owner: Thanks for your tag, linked already.
Joey ♥: hey cameron! TAGGG and pls link me
Owner: Hahaha, thanks for your tag. I will link when i'm not lazy :D
, ♥ !YUFANG ;: Hey daddy , tags for you ! Happy 1st mth w you & mummy . hehehee .
Owner: Hehehe, thankyou! :D
One month, today, right now.So quickly, today is one month with Hoiluen and I. Fast or what? Awesome. Yay, you said your first I love you to me today(: Yeah, it's after one month, but so what? As long as you've said it, I'm happy. Weehee, I was jumping for joy when I saw your blog laa! Yayyyyy, :D Tomorrow I'm going to see you, alright man! I was so lucky I chose 15/11 as my CIP day, so did you! :D Okay, enough liao le, before someone claims that I'm mushy~ Hahahah, okayyy, bye! I love you, Hoiluen.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Day 3; Your parentsFamily. Okay, I guess most of you know that, my parents are divorced. I mean, nothing to hide about it. It's not like as if, I wanted it to be this way, or I'm the cause of their divorce. "When a married couple get separated, the most innocent ones, is always the child." It's very true, 100% agreed. I'm not sure what the reason was, but I guess it ain't good. It has definitely got something to do with my father. Anyway, it happened when I was 4, so it isn't much of an impact to me. So what, I'm leading a happy life right now. Good friends, good mother, everything is there. My mother, she's just a fighter. She's a woman, yet she can feed 6 mouths. No, I do not have 5 other siblings. I'm in fact the only child. 6 mouths, which includes the other people that stays in my family. She could afford to rent a condo in the past. She still can, but we decided not to as we wanted our own home. She bought a flat, 5 bedrooms. Awesome or what? I've got my own room, own computer, own bed, own television. I mean, what's more than I can expect? There's one thing though, my father's love. I know he loves me, perhaps I just can't feel it. Anyway, yeah. I love my family, I love my mother especially. This is basically about my parents (: I'm happy with this post. Although sometimes she might get angry with me, time would heal everything. I'm glad. I know I never said this in your face but, I love you.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
I get worried because I care, don't take me for granted.
To you know who you are:Yeah, yeah. Continue holding on. I'll see how hurt you get. Honestly, I really hope that you'd get hurt now, so you'll learn your lesson. I'm a guy, I know how we think. I may be a guy, but what girls say is true alright! "There are thorns behind every guy's sweet talk." Believe it or not, it's up to you. I can't control you. If you want to hold on, then just hold on! You're just being stupid anyway. Wait till your heart really breaks, then you'll understand why I feel this way alright. I wouldn't care anymore. I'll just stand there, watch, and do nothing. You can take it as a joke, for all I care. Anyway, the truth will come to light, it's just a matter of time. You just don't get my good intentions, right? Sometimes, I don't know why I try. Besides, it has got absolutely nothing to do with me. So, what for? Oh, maybe it's because, I care? Perhaps you didn't know that. Well, now you do, or have you not? Forget it. Hold on for all I care. See how gets the final laugh, alright? It's up to you. Your life, you handle it. I wouldn't give a damn about you and relationship anymore. You take care.
Day 2; Your crush.
I don't think i've got a crush. I don't know if it's counted as a crush. Hmm. If it's counted, then it's babygirl lor (: ! 141010, 6.11pm. The day and time we steaded. Awesome or what? Today is already 111110, how quick. 3 more days, one monthsary. Time passes by so quickly when i'm with you. The days spent with you were happy and awesome. During this time, we've never quarreled even once. I think we're just pros. I can't wait for our one month. I can't wait till i see you. I'm so excited. What should i get for you? My heart, so ours can join as one. Hahah, i don't know, we'll see. I love you.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Those days.
Day 1 - Your best friends.
Day 2 - Your crush.
Day 3 - Your parents.
Day 4 - Your sibling.
Day 5 - Your dreams.
Day 6 - A stranger.
Day 7 - Your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush.
Day 8 - Your favorite internet friend.
Day 9 - Someone you wish you could meet.
Day 10 - Someone you don't talk to as much as you'd like to.
Day 11 - A deceased person you wish you could talk to.
Day 12 - The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain.
Day 13 - Someone you wish could forgive you.
Day 14 - Someone you’ve drifted away from.
Day 15 - The person you miss the most.
Day 16 - Someone that’s not in your state/country.
Day 17 - Someone from your childhood.
Day 18 - The person that you wish you could be.
Day 19 - Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad.
Day 20 - The one that broke your heart the hardest.
Day 21 - Someone you judged by their first impression.
Day 22 - Someone you want to give a second chance to.
Day 23 - The last person you kissed.
Day 24 - The person that gave you your favorite memory.
Day 25 - The person you know that is going through the worst of times.
Day 26 - The last person you made a pinky promise to.
Day 27 - The friendliest person you knew for only one day.
Day 28 - Someone that changed your life.
Day 29 - The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to.
Day 30 - Your reflection in the mirror.
This seems fun :D So I shall try it, starting from now.
Day 1; Your best friend.
Wow. Hmm, I wonder. I really have a lot of good, close friends always there for me. I should name them and give them a dedication, again :D It's going to be a short dedication, because there's a lot of people (:
Kirti Bhagwan
I think this is the 3rd dedication letter i'm giving to you. You better be honoured! You stick by my side all the time :D You're always willing to be my listening ear. Thank you for everything! Love, Cameron.
Cheryl Tan
You're my awesome BHB partner :D We compare basically everything, especially our eyes! :D Fine, I admit, your's is wayyy bigger -_- But who cares! Hahaha, you're always beside me and constantly telling me to cheerup, Tyvm! :D Love, Cameron.
Vanessa Tan
Eh bitch! Effk you! Hahahaha, just kidding. But remember, true friends insult each other, but we never take it too heart. Don't be so vulgar anymore aye! Hahaha. We just got super close to each other recently, thanks for accompanying me and cheering me up when i'm down! Love, Cameron.
James Koh
Hey cockeye! :D Helloooo. I think you're my blurest best friend! Hahaha. But never mind, we love your cock eye. Anyway, I forgot how i knew you, but we got super close suddenly! That's a good thing aye :D Thank you for everything also. Love, Cameron.
Lim Jia Hui
Oi Fishball eye. Hahaha, kidding kidding! Youuuu, I think one of my closest gal friend (: Good right! Hahaha. I better be your best guy friend, hehehe. Kidding. Don't so emo liao le horh! Emo not pretty liao le. Stay happy everyday okay! Next time we everyday go eat wanton mee together like today :D Awesome. Thank you for everything aye! Love, Cameron.
Amanda Hong
Ah hong! Hello :D Got very close to you recently too! Still remember the times when you always pour other drinks into my coke during bowling. Hahahaha! Now you won't have any chance anymore, too bad :p Let's have lunch together almost everyday, woohoo. And stop asking me for money tyvm. Ask from your mother :p Okay, thank you for everything! Love, Cameron.
Guan Jia Mei
MUMMY ! D: THAT BOY STEAL MY CANDY LEHHH. GO SMACK HIS ASS. Hahaha, okay i'm being a little kid, but you're still my mother no matter what (: Hehehe. It's amazing how I get to know you when we're not even from the same school, and that we didn't even know each other since young or whatever. Hmm, awesome. Thanks for the many advices you have given me in the past! Love, Cameron.
Mindez Chua
Hello hello. Thank you for trusting me so much! If you've got any problems, just come to me and tell me about it okay! I'll be more than happy to help. Thank you for telling me a lot of things, and i'm glad to be the first to know! I'm, honoured, hahaha. Thank you bro. Love, Cameron.
Serene Leong
Hey smalley! Hehehe, don't take it to heart aye. We've been goodfriends since Primary 6. Good times, good times. Hahaha, since then, our friendship never got loosen, in fact, it became tighter. Thank you for cheering me up and everything when i'm unhappy! Last long w Jonathan aye! Oh and happy four months! Love, Cameron.
Georgina Lai
Hello daughter! :D I loved the times when we always got into trouble in the beginning of the year. Awesome or what? Ikr! Hehehe. But next year, nah. You better start focusing on your studies already okay! :D Work hard, play hard. Anyway, see you next year in Faith2-2 okay! We're still together as one, woohoo. Thank you for everything too! Love, Cameron.
Nelson Chia
Hey bro :D Although we always quarrel with each other over both small and big stuff, everything would still work out in the end. You would always give in. Thankyou (: I promise to go out with you whenever I can okay! If i really cannot then i'm sorry! ): Anyway, can't believe we were bestfriends because we were enemies in the beginning of the year. Anyway, thankyouforeverything! :D Love, Cameron.
Li Wan Qi
Hey Qiqi! :D The way you run and quarrel with people is super funny okay. Hahaha, awesome. Let's go eat Seoul Garden together like every month :D promise ah! Holidays one day seriously must go and eat. YAY. Okayyy. Let's go to Hoiluen's house one day :D Hehehe. Okay, thank you for everything also! Love, Cameron.
Apple Lee
Hey Applee :D You are so so thick skin. But never mind, you're still my bestfriend, awesome. Everytime you're down, i'm the one there okay! So appreciate it, ROAR. Hahaha, kidding. You were there for me too. I know, we quarrel heck a lot, but we're still close. Hehe, ikr. You're my bestfriend since the beginning of the year, camp. I still remember how much I used to make fun of your name, good times! :D Anyway, thank you for everything okay! Love, Cameron.
Yap Wei Song
Hello Yappieeeeeee. Hmm, although we're not as close, but you're still my bestfriend. :D Finally, now you're not so timid as before anymore. That's a good thing, hehe. Eh, don't make Jiahui sad liao hor. She seriously loves you a lot okay. You better love her back or.... I don't know. Because i know that time wouldn't come, RIGHT?! Yeah it better not. Okay, thank you very much bro. Love, Cameron.
Okay, I guess that's it. There's still more, but these are the top 14 :D YAY. I love my friends. Okay, i'll continue day 2 tomorrow. Bye! :D
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Separate cliques.
Some times I feel left out.
Hello. It's 1.31am right now, and i'm not tired. Unlike yesterday, I slept like a log at this time. Hmm, what a pig xD Jokes. Yesterday, before I fell asleep, I cried. I really don't know why. Not really cry laa, but just teared a little. Then I started to think about the bad things that happened in my life, current and past. Hopefully such nights wouldn't happen again (:
This afternoon, went out for 'lunch' with Amanda and Jiahui. Nelson, Weisong, Jiamei and Ian were there too. However, we were separate cliques. Jiahui, Amanda and I went together, and the rest went together. I don't know, but three of us started to get upset and pissed. We feel, if we are supposed to go out, aren't we supposed to stick as one? I don't know. We sat at a corner in the library, and they sat somewhere near us, but not with us. Yeah, then we decided to go along just the 3 of us with Weisong tomorrow. Amanda said just now it's now only a maybe -.- So i've decided not to go even if they're going tomorrow. I ain't so free tyvm.
Life sucks without school. I miss school, I miss babygirl. I don't know, I want to go back. Holidays suck. They boring, hmmmph! >:( Rotting in my room now with a grumbling stomach ): IWantToOrderMacsToEat, IAmHungry >( Byebye!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Best friends.
These are what friends are for.
Awesome day. Although there were times I got pissed, but it was fun overall (: TampinesM>Century Square>Burger King>Tampines Mall>Timezone>Pizza Hut>Parkway>32 Degree Farenheit>KOI!>Home sweet home. Went to quite a lot of places today. Went out with Kirti, Cheryl, Vanessa & James. Perhaps one of the best outing this year. After so much bickering and shits, I'm tired. Anyway, I doubt I'd be going out this November anymore. I don't know. I might sneak to my grandmother's house and go out without telling my mother :D I know, I'm smart! Kidding :D Yeah, so Kirti and I met at opposite library and she was in a cab. We wanted to head to the bus-stop outside Cheers. And Ms. Kirti Bhagwan was too lazy to walk, and she wanted me to split cost, from where I boarded and departed. And what, it was merely a 20 seconds drive, and yes, she wanted to split cost, gosh! $0.20 she also happy leh! Funnydie. So we reached there in 20 seconds approximately -_- and I obviously didn't pay. paid a buck. Waited for Vanessa for around 2 minutes or so as she had to bring her grandmother to the polyclinic. Her father was super funny, purposely said that she couldn't go in front of us, hahaha. And she said "Guailan" in front of her dad. They speak like friends, jokes. Yeah, from there we headed to Tampines Mall. Funny ride there, Kirti was playing dumb, I'm not saying that she isn't, but ohwell :D Headed in the mall, and realized it was at Century Square and not Tampines Mall -.- So we walked there, and Kirti thought it was far but it was just right in front of her face, and she said she wanted to take a cab there again, -.- So we went to buy tickets for Child's Eye, again. ._. Second time watching it. Headed to Popeyes for food as we haven't eaten. Super awesome yet spicy sandwich. And I has no drinks with me then, how unlucky could I get. Anyway, after we finished eating, it was basically the movie time. But our drinks and food, headed into the theatre. When we went in, around 2 minutes of the show started already. We couldn't find our seats, so we basically sat at the correct row without choosing the numbers. Good thing that there weren't anybody. Watching it for the second time seems more scary, wow, ikr, laughs. It was super funny because James made some weird noises and the theatre was filled with screaming girls and laughing boys. The show ended quickly, then we left to Burger King for icecream (: Enjoyed it but queued for around 15 minutes -_- it was a waste of time on second thought ._. Jokes. Then went to the arcade. Hahahaha, then we headed to Tampines Mall. Walked to the arcade, but on the way I went into Zinc, Freshbox and looked at 77th street from outside. And I approximately went in for 1 minute per shop :D Then went to Timezone, like finally ^^ Played "Pump Pro 2" with a girl which I don't know, and she was laughing at Kirti for being retarded. They, (Kirti, Cheryl, Vanessa & James), seemed shocked to see me play, but whatever. Perspired like nobody's business. Max Tune before that, and another driving car after. Cheryl was super pissed off ttm. Then left for Pizza Hut! The weirdest thing happened there. We saw Hermosa and her sister, and I literally "Oooooh" when I saw her sister. Then, this Malay woman saw James and I being so pathetic, kept koping Cheryl's food. She told the waiter, and he walked towards us and said that she wanted to treat us to another student meal! I was thinking why, and thought that there's was something up to her sleeves. But no, there wasn't. We thank-ed her umpteen times. Had fun in Pizza Hut, and then left to parkway. Took MRT to Payalebar and many hilarious things happened, seriously. Laughed like mad and many people were staring. Took 155 to parkway, and realized that we took the wrong bus! James and Vanessa went to ask the bus driver, and he told us to alight. Cheryl's earpiece got stuck, and James, Vanessa and Kirti already alighted. The bus driver didn't know that we were one clique, so he just drived off! That was the most awesome part of the day \m/ Alighted the next bus-stop and ran like mad people. We took a taxi to Parkway since we had to no idea to go there. Kirti decided to cab home from that taxi, ._. ! Then when were like okay with it as she already wasn't in a very good mood. Walked to 32 degree farenheit for Snowflake! :D It was pretty awesome, but Chery's and Van's snowflake tasted like medicine ): It was awful. We didn't have enough of it, so we ordered one standard one to share, with double oreo. It was so fun as we were snatching for the snowflake :D ! Then, we went to KOI because I wanted to buy my awesome Pearl Milk Teaaaaa (: Waited for around 7 minutes then I got my awesome drink. My mother called me while I was waiting for my drink, asking me to go home. So I went home after buying my drink. It was indeed an awesome day for me, hehehe. I loved today, thankyouverymuch :D And till now, I think they are still slacking, without me, sad case! Wow, this is a damn long post. Enjoy aye! :D
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Imperfections make us perfect.

Everybody is special in their own ways.
Nobody's perfect, face it. Everybody is unique, different in their own kind. That's what makes us special. I'm lazy, i'm fussy, yeah, i ain't perfect either. What can we do, definitely change for the better. I've once heard, 2 beautiful woman, competing for a beauty peagent title. They asked her a question, and she said, "There's nothing wrong with me, i'm perfect." She immediately got cut off, she lost the competition. I mean seriously, if you think you're perfect, it shows that you're already imperfect, because something has gone haywire in your head. Everybody has flaws. That's why, we don't have any reasons for hating somebody, although, i, myself, don't really like someone. But it's true, you can have millions of friends; but one of them is your enemey. It isn't possible either. Compromising, accomodating, listening, building relations with one another. That's how you get friends, being by their sides, listening to what they have to say. I'd really like to thank this one person, who has been there for me through thick and thin. She's none other than, Kirti.
Dear Kirti,
I would really like to thank you for everything. It's so fast, we've known each other for almost 5 months. Yeah, it's 5 months. It's pretty amazing to be able to get so close to you within 5 months. Awesome, I know. It feels like, i've known you for years. We understand what's going through in our minds, how we're feeling. We never fail to give advices, listen to what we have to say to each other. Although, we quarrel at times, but we always work things out in the end. When I heard about the news, at first, I really did not know how to react. I was completely shocked. I was stunned. I did not know what to do, until 2 tears rolled down my eyes, and then burst out in tears. You, yourself, were touched. I want you to know, that you're really a true friend to me, and I hope I am too. You're awesome, so am I, :D ! If the bad news is really going to happen, then, we've just got to accept it. Let nature takes it's course, leave everything to fate. You're an awesome friend. It just feels like, we're meant to be best friends forever. Nothing is going to break our friendship, I promise. Thank you for everything.
Love, Cameron.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Anyway you want it (:Hello :D Have not been blogging for some time, i'm here (: Awesome, tomorrow is Friday already (Y) Babygirl's coming back, whoots (: Nothing to do tomorrow :O Aww, boredie. Hmm, seriously nothing to do anymore. I want to go Taiwan! Fundie laa, but not going anywhere this holidays, unfortunately. Lalala, might be going to UniversalStudios, again, .___. , on either 8th or 9th November :D Third time i'm going already xD That damn ride better be open, awesome. Maybe or maybe not staying at the hotel :O Sigh, the holidays are so damn boring that i have absolutely no idea what to blog about >.<
Eh wthell! There was more blog post and they deleted it! __ you. Go die laa!
Monday, November 1, 2010
I miss you already.Oh, so today is only 1st November. Time is passing real slowly without you. Come back quick, alright? I miss you a hell lot already. You brightened my day today (: I asked you if you missed me, and you shockingly said yes. :D Well, you didn't say yes, but you said a bit. Oh whatever, you made me happy, fullstop "." Thanks okay babygirl. Loveyou. Hmm. I can't wait to see how you look like in your bangs! Definitely cute ttvm, hahaha, ^^ ! Kekeke. Cannot wait till Friday, when you come back! Don't say you want stay there longer horh, i want you to come back nowwww. :D I'm selfish, but for a reason okayyy, (: Anyway, got my iPad today :D Immediately downloaded TapTap, Coin Dozer and Riddim Ribbon. Whooots, awesome game sia, Riddim Ribbon. Just released on 271010. Oh! 12 more days to babygirl's and my one month :D I know that day will come. Ahhhh, quick quick come back! D: Have been sleeping late these few days. 3-5 xD Waa, this morning, i got so pissed. Damn that bloody construction upstairs my house -'- I was still in my bed, and i wanted to go upstairs with a golf club and hit his cock as hard as i could, if, it was a man :D If it was a woman, then whatever. Hahaha! I'm gender prejudiced >: Aiyah, i'm a boy, normal not normal okayy. Anyways, nothing else to blog. Okays, bye people :D Ilovedieyoubabygirl.